On Writing: Ideas to Published Novel
New Book Available
I’m so excited to announce TRANSITION: Love. Loss. Leverage. Murder is now available on Amazon paperback, Kindle, and Audible. As a writer, my gratification comes not only from completing and publishing each novel, but also when I get to talk with, receive reviews from, and have contact with readers who have enjoyed taking this writing journey with me. That’s the real payoff.
On Writing
Writing, a thing unto itself, is an isolating profession. It’s me, in a room, creating an alternate reality to the one currently in transition, developing new and existing characters, and exploring their ever-changing lives. While it can be tough sometimes, my books present a far more perilous life than the one I lead where I’m so predictable that my dogs keep me on schedule.
On Ideas
This is the most critical part of the process–answering the question, “What is the book about?” Every day, my media input is an eclectic soup of what-if’s, successes, failures, court decisions, congressional actions, and the consequences of it all. The common threads that seem to run through the politics governing our policies are shortsightedness, a disregard for the collateral damage, and no responsibility to meet the needs of the people in their districts. Underneath the disarray is the ever-gaslighting oligarchy, obsessed with power and greed, who, to be fair, needs absolutely nothing. Somehow, despite the constant bombardment of insanity, I find my way to isolate a few issues that often go unaddressed. After thinking about them for a while, a story starts to take shape. I wait for the “ah-ha” moment and then the writing begins.
On Publishing
And then, after months of writing and rewriting and editing and…, and…, and then the book leaves my hands for those of the editor, formatter, graphic artist, and promoter. In other words, professionals whose job it is to interpret what I wrote and get it into proper shape for readers.
On Editing
I must admit that I had some pretty heady ideas about how well I had written and edited the books. I found out I had vastly over-rated my reviewing thoroughness. In several cases, I used the wrong name for several characters and repeated the same word several times in the same paragraph. This after putting each chapter through Pro-Writing Aid and listening to my computer read it to me. Lesson learned. Writing is a humbling as well as gratifying experience—”pride goeth before a fall”… and never assume.
Why Write a Series?
When I finished my first book, SEDUCTION: Love, Loss, Leverage, Murder, in 2015, and held the book in my hands, I couldn’t have been prouder. I waited for the world to beat a path to my door. It never occurred to me that I had produced one of a zillion books out there by first-time authors. Rather than be discouraged, I decided to build my brand and back shelf. It wasn’t as hard as I thought because I found that my ongoing and burgeoning awareness of our broken political systems created an existential depression. My only way out of it was to express my rage through writing—articles, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, and novels.
Changing the World
It is beyond expectation that one book, or any artistic creation, can change the world by itself. However, it is another public voice striving to encourage each of us to be our best, to enjoy our days as well as think critically about our future, the future of our children, and the world. Not everyone has the chance or opportunity or time to think beyond getting through the day and taking care of their family. However, there is one thing we can do—VOTE. Make sure you and everyone you know is registered to vote. And then VOTE—request a mail-in vote, vote early to avoid lines, or vote in person on Tuesday, November 5th. Provide transportation to voters who can’t get to the polls on their own.
VOTE for democracy and ensure our freedoms and rights are protected.